Month: April 2024

Episode 209 – Rebate Coming

Adam Bell and Peter Nikolaidis
The Blurring The Lines Podcast

Tea and Store Brands 0:00
Maynard’s store
Discussion on Rebates and Discounts 4:45
Running Updates and Half Marathon Plans 8:04
Running updates
Bootcamp Excitement and Vendor Interactions 12:53
Discussion on Ship Crash in Baltimore 17:57
Discussion on Godzilla vs. Kong Movie 23:06
Godzilla vs. Kong movie review
Kayak Mishap in Belize 26:42
Kayaking mishap
Discussion on Eyewear and Vision Insurance 33:23
Peter Nikolaidis’ Decaf Dilemma 39:20
Discussion on Google’s Confidential Mode and Email Security 42:47
Discussion on Denial of Service Attacks and Mitigation 49:36

Peter Nikolaidis and Adam Bell discussed a range of topics, including their tea preferences, donating excess food to local food shelves, and their experiences with stores like Maynard’s and H-E-B. They also talked about rebate programs, with Adam presenting a rebate program at a home store and the group discussing their personal encounters with rebates. The conversation then shifted to Peter’s recent running updates and Adam’s anticipation for an upcoming boot camp, with both discussing the challenges of maintaining fitness while traveling and the importance of discipline for diet and exercise.

Adam and Peter also discussed the ship crash in Baltimore, analyzing the events that led to the collision with the bridge and the potential blame that may be assigned for the incident. They then shared their thoughts on the Godzilla vs. Kong movie, highlighting its entertainment value and fight scenes. Adam also humorously recounted his kayak mishap in Belize, where he flipped over while fishing in a canal teeming with bull sharks and alligators, and Peter shared his inadvertent switch to decaf coffee and the unexpected physical and emotional effects it had on him.

Adam and Peter also engaged in a detailed discussion about email security, exploring Google’s confidential mode for sending secure messages via email and contemplating the idea of migrating to ProtonMail for enhanced security features. Finally, they discussed a recent denial of service attack targeting Cisco AnyConnect devices, sharing insights into the nature of the attack and the challenges in mitigating it. The conversation highlighted the complexities of defending against denial of service attacks and the ongoing efforts to find effective strategies for mitigation.!16196!3!593001402617!e!!g!!ray-ban%20predator%202!16516044368!139843302608&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwzZmwBhD8ARIsAH4v1gUIwafaX4eUou4yD10ylrEGZUohloC23pLpjCsUzP3EldloXEQAAnMaAqFjEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

Learn More About the Hosts:

Peter Nikolaidis

Adam Bell
Sublime Computer Services

Episode 208 – Belize to Vermont

Adam Bell and Peter Nikolaidis
The Blurring The Lines Podcast

The Blurring the Lines podcast hosts, Peter Nikolaidis and Adam Bell, engage in a casual discussion about their personal lives, including travel, home renovations, phone models, and wireless and internet plans. They emphasize the importance of periodically reviewing and negotiating plans for better deals. They also discuss the potential of using satellite internet for off-grid functionality and the drawbacks of a 4K monitor. The conversation reflects a shared interest in exploring psychological themes within the context of superhero literature and a critical approach to selecting reading material.
The hosts delve into the cyber attack on the Deuvel Moortgaat brewery in Belgium, shedding light on the ransom group Stormus claiming responsibility for the attack. They express concern about the impact on beer production and the potential ransom demands, while also highlighting the resilience of the brewery in the face of the attack. Adam Bell educates the group about the intricate workings of septic tanks, delving into the process of anaerobic respiration and the vital role of bacteria in breaking down waste. He also highlights the importance of regular maintenance and the potential consequences of infrequent use.

Blurring the Lines Podcast Episode 208 0:00
Remote work and travel
Discussion on Internet Connectivity Options 6:45
Discussion on Phone Upgrades and Financing 9:58
Consolidating Phone Lines and Wireless Plans 12:08
Technology and gadgets
Using iPad as a Second Monitor 17:59
Discussion on Apple Products and Monitors 22:44
Mail Forwarding Woes and Solutions 27:19
Discussion on Books about Superheroes and Psychology 32:13
Cyber Attack on Brewery 35:00
Cybersecurity and ransomware attacks
Septic Tank Education 38:23
Septic tank and septic system
Job Changes and Professional Services 44:44
Organizational changes and career development


Learn More About the Hosts:

Peter Nikolaidis

Adam Bell
Sublime Computer Services