Blurring The Lines Podcast

Episode 200 – Cookie Talk

Adam Bell and Peter Nikolaidis
The Blurring The Lines Podcast

Episode 200 Celebration and Dental Woes 0:03
Episode 200 of the Blurring the Lines podcast
Root canal and dental health
Car Troubles and Customer Service 5:47
FedEx Delivery Woes and New Mexican Restaurant 11:03
Persistent Cookies and Cybersecurity 14:52
Persistent cookies and cybersecurity
Server-side Scripting and Frameworks 19:23
Halloween, Spam, and Goosebumps 24:17
Discussion on Streaming Services 28:57
Streaming services and the frustrations of multiple subscriptions
Casual Conversation and Gaming Plans 34:47
Online gaming and the Baldur’s Gate game

AI Summary

Adam and Peter discussed a variety of topics, including their experiences with healthcare, customer service, cybersecurity, server-side scripting, Halloween plans, and streaming services. They shared personal anecdotes about root canals, car repair mishaps, and missed FedEx deliveries, as well as their frustrations with persistent cookies and the complexities of streaming services. They also discussed the benefits and challenges of server-side scripting and the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and frameworks. Despite these challenges, they remained optimistic and grateful for the opportunity to continue their podcast and engage in online gaming together.

Adam and Peter also discussed their preferences and experiences with various beers and upcoming online gaming plans, including an upcoming Savage Worlds game convention. They shared their recent experiences playing Baldur’s Gate and the benefits of playing online versus locally, as well as the challenges of being an evil character in the game. Despite some technical difficulties, they continue to enjoy their gaming experiences and look forward to future opportunities to play together.

Overall, the meeting was a casual and lighthearted conversation between two friends, covering a wide range of topics. Despite the challenges and frustrations they discussed, they remained optimistic and grateful for the opportunities they have and the ability to continue their podcast and engage in online gaming together.

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