Blurring The Lines Podcast

Episode 56 – The Californians

The guys have Doug Stidham on the show to talk about crazy Californians and their gun laws.  They guys also talk about the Unifi family of products and make some recommendations.


Trivia question

  • Q:  Where did Samuel Clemens get the idea for his pseudonym, Mark Twain?

1:47-Introducing Doug Stidham!
2:42-What’s new-with Peter!
3:10-Alexa complement
4:26-Back to tech
8:00-Back to Doug
10:53-Animal Moving
14:10-Gun Laws
24:39-Interrupting Wives
26:05-Wild to Crazy California
31:15-What about technology/Unifi
45:26-Back to Unifi
47:34-Client Label Printing
51:09-Lost in Google Docs
52:22-Back to Trello
53:18-Trivia Question
54:19-Doug and the Big Red Button
55:54-Sign off and email

Notes and Links:

Unifi Web Site:
